Author: Jessica
So Far From Perfect
Why do I not sit at Your feet more? You who long to teach and mold me. Why do I clutter my mind with useless things? Temporary, rust-and-destroy things That cause me to miss out on the peace You give. You are the King of Peace, The King of righteousness. And then there’s me, So…
The Lord Sustains Me
“But You are a shield around me, O LORD; You bestow glory on me and lift my head. To the LORD I cry aloud, and He answers me from His holy hill. I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me.”Psalm 3:3-5 The Lord sustains me. Sustains. Meaning “to uphold”; “to…
I am Weak, But He is Strong
I Peter 1: 5 speaks of those who are saved by grace through faith in Jesus. It says, “…who are protected by the power of God through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.” In other words, those whose love of Jesus is sincere will stand the test of time.…
Sustenance Given By the Holy Spirit
I just had an epiphany–a God-given one, that is. When I was younger, a dear Bible teacher (incredibly solid and rooted in Christ!) gave my class an analogy about sanctification. Picture two dogs fighting each other. They are owned by the same owner. Before the dog fight, the owner decides to feed one but not…
Things God Has Taught Me in My Twenties
A month ago, I turned 29. The last year of my twenties. What an awesome decade it has been! I graduated from college; I taught elementary art; I overcame depression and rekindled my love of writing stories; I worked as a photographer; I performed in sixteen shows, five of which were main roles and one…
Giving Careful Thought
I can get so overwhelmed so quickly. This world and my flesh constantly screams, “Go, go, go! Do more! Be more!” We live in a world that believes we are supermen and superwomen, and it’s just not true. Apart from God, I am weak. Because I have this physical body, I get tired and cranky.…
The Spotless Lamb
“Come, let us return to the LORD. For He has torn us, but He will heal us; He has wounded us, but He will bandage us. He will revive us after two days; He will raise us up on the third day, that we may live before Him. So let us know, let us press…
Find Rest in the Lord
Isaiah 30:15-22: “This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: ‘In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it. You said, ‘No, we will flee on horses.’ Therefore you will flee! You said, ‘We will ride off on swift…
Jesus Tasted Death
Jesus tasted death for everyone. For every person standing before the cross, watching Him suffer. For the soldiers who nailed down His hands and feet. For the thieves, murderers, and perverse hearts. For the Jews and Gentiles. For every tribe, tongue, and nation. For those who delight in torturing and killing Christians. For those who…
A Season of Waiting for the Lord
Okay. I know I’m not the only one who just loves being in a season of waiting. …Can you sense the sarcasm in this statement? Waiting for anything involves patience, and patience is hard. But if there is one thing I am learning in the waiting, it’s that waiting on the Lord is never a…