Chip and the Book of Rose Leaves By Alexandria Miracola

If you have a child, and if you are a child at heart, this children’s book is for you. If you thirst for adventure, this book is for you. If you love fantastical illustrations, this book is for you. If you desire a pure, clean story, this book is most definitely for you AND your kids!
Alexandria Miracola is a woman who loves the Lord and shows that through her art and her stories. Her first novel “Penelope Grace & the Winter Carousel” is available for purchase and is also a beautifully written story with a sense of wonder. Alexandria is the owner of 21:25 books: “A home for stories and writers who are passionate about filling this world with books about Him and the good things He does.” You can learn more by visiting her Instagram page @2125books.
“Chip and the Book of Rose Leaves” is Alexandria’s second novel, a children’s book with illustrations to color! Here is the blurb as quoted from her Instagram page:
“Are you ready for an adventure?
In a quiet meadow tucked away in Everleaf Forest, a young rabbit is waiting.
Chip whispered a prayer weeks ago, a question that he is longing to know the answer to.
But as more time passes and still, no answer comes, Chip begins to wonder something quite different:
Do his prayers really matter to God at all?
Instead of being met with silence, though, strange tales of a treasure and a Guardian named Abaline reach Chip’s curious ears.
The stories promise that anyone who discovers this treasure will find the answers they long for, and Chip is determined to do just that.
But an unexpected adventure awaits, full of fire and drakes, racing rivers, and untold wonders.
It promises to be thrilling, but not safe.
The only question that remains is this:
Are you courageous enough to join Chip on his adventure and uncover the answers with Him?”
I don’t know about you, but I want to know more! Already, I’m rooting for Chip, and I’m excited for all the lessons he will learn on his journey. If you’re a parent of a young child, would you consider supporting Alexandria as she raises money that will aid her to publish this book? You can support her through Kickstarter, which you can learn more about by visiting her Instagram or by clicking her Link Tree, which I will post here: 21:25 Books | Linktree
We need more courageous children’s books like hers that will point young ones to Christ. Please consider supporting my friend, and pray for her as she works hard to get this book into the homes of eager readers. I’ll definitely be doing the same!

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