Giving Careful Thought

Haggai 1:7-9
“‘But now be strong…be strong, all you people of the land,’ declares the LORD, ‘and work. For I am with you…’”
Haggai 2:4
I can get so overwhelmed so quickly. This world and my flesh constantly screams, “Go, go, go! Do more! Be more!” We live in a world that believes we are supermen and superwomen, and it’s just not true. Apart from God, I am weak. Because I have this physical body, I get tired and cranky. Because my mind is not like God’s, I easily become mentally exhausted. I burn out. Whereas God never tires. He never burns out. He is the Creator.
But all too often, me and my pride try to conquer the world. Perfectionism sinks in and destroys my joy and steals my peace. I burn out, and what do I do? I sleep more. I wind down with a TV show. I cave in to the idea that because I’m an introvert, I’ll recharge and be good to go simply by staying at home a couple of days. I do all of these things without trusting God to provide me exactly what I need. I go, go, go until I can’t anymore–until I realize there’s not enough sleep or TV shows or days holed up at home to restore me. To recharge me.
Until I kill my pride and realize that ALL I need is Jesus. He restores my soul. He is my constant source of rest, peace, and joy that cannot be taken away. He is my Provider, my Shepherd, my Breath of Life!
Do you feel like all you can do right now is survive? Just make it through another day? We will all face that feeling–that feeling of sinking.
…Peter was walking on water toward Jesus and started sinking when he turned his attention away from Jesus to the ocean waves.
But Jesus did not let him drown! He rescued Peter as Peter cried to Jesus for help.
May we be children of God who give careful thought to our ways. It’s okay to slow down. In fact, scripture calls us to do that by keeping our attention focused on God. Here are some of the things God calls us to do, as found in Scripture:
- You call us to bring glory to Your name.
- To be salt and light.
- To go and tell, scattering seeds of Truth.
- To run to You for refuge.
- To lay our burdens down, not worrying but trusting You completely.
- To seek You first.
- To destroy all idols.
- To be still and know that You are God.
- To pray without ceasing.
- To rejoice in You always.
- To hope in You so our strength will be renewed.
- To decrease that You may increase.
- To die to our flesh; to pick up our crosses daily and follow You.
- To run the race of endurance set before us.
- To persevere in trials, knowing it strengthens character and that nothing You allow is meant for our harm.
- To love You with our whole hearts.
- To love others more than ourselves.
- To put on the full armor of God.
- To sing praises to Your name…to sing and shout for joy!
- To remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
- To lead a quiet life and work with our hands, working with diligence and excellence.
- To seek after Your wisdom and not the wisdom of man.
- To be the Church, not forsaking the assembling together of fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.
- To be holy, set apart from the world unto God, and to surround ourselves with godly friends and counsel, being careful of who our close friends are.
- To treat our bodies as a temple.
- To make our requests known to You, believing that You can do all things. Nothing is too great for You.
- To pray with thanksgiving, like the Lord’s Prayer, also trusting that Your will is perfect.
- To be cheerful givers.
- To forgive others.
- To care for the poor, the sick, the elderly, the orphans.
- To use our spiritual gifts to point others to Christ, the way the truth, and the life.
- To fix our minds on the things above, not the things of the earth.
- To get ourselves on a high mountain (Isaiah), rather than sulking and complaining and dragging ourselves through life.
- To live at peace with everyone, so far as it depends upon us.
- To stand firm in the faith; to not be ashamed of the Gospel, no matter the cost.
I’m thankful to be reminded today that God does not call any of us to live life in a rush. Frantic. Anxious. Going, going, going until we burn out and can only drag our feet from one day to the next. In everything God calls us to do, we can be certain He will provide exactly what we need.
The Lord is faithful, and He is not in a hurry. He won’t always lift His hand and stop the storms in our lives from coming, but He will always be with us to be our peace in every circumstance and through every task list. He will be there to overcome the worries of tomorrow, the struggles of today, and the shame of the past.
God is the LORD Almighty!
Let’s give careful thought to our ways as we fix our eyes on Jesus, depend upon Him for our strength, and rest in His goodness. In Him, we are safe.
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