TV Show Review: The Chosen

Man oh man. If there is one TV show I could not recommend enough, it’s this one. The Chosen is directed and co-written by Dallas Jenkins, son of Jerry B. Jenkins, who is the co-author alongside Tim LaHaye of the Left Behind series. The Chosen is the first tv show with multiple seasons in the work to display the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, specifically beginning at the end of His private ministry and moving into His public ministry. As the title of the show makes clear, the emphasis is also on Jesus’ disciples and those He encounters along His ministry who He heals, teaches, rebukes, and transforms by revealing Himself as Messiah and Savior.
If I’m being honest, in watching other Christian movies in the past, I have found the scripts and even, at times, the acting, to lack the artistry and rawness that makes a movie or a show believable and…human. Being a Christian author myself, one who wants my books to point to Christ without being what some would call “cheesy”, I can tell you there are many opinions in the sea of what that looks like in any art form. Well, here is my opinion about The Chosen…
It is art at its finest. I have NEVER seen a Christian work of art that so accurately depicts who Christ is. He is the Son of God; He is also God in the flesh. In this show, you see Jesus perform miracles. You also see Him brush His teeth, wake up with groggy eyes, and use carpentry skills He would have learned from His earthly father, Joseph. You see Him teach a crowd and call His disciples. You also see Him laugh with delight as He or one of His disciples makes a joke, or as He enjoys certain events. You see Him as He goes to private places to pray, often through tears, knowing His time has not yet come but will come.
It is biblically solid. I have watched the entire first season, as well as the newest Christmas special short film that was just released, as well as the teaser trailer for season 2 (which is supposed to come out close to Easter, yay!!!). While the script does take some liberties with dialogue, specifically when it comes to developing characters other than Jesus, such as Peter, Matthew, Nicodemus, and John the Baptist, all of those scenes are done from a “this is what it might have looked like due to the history and the culture of that day” mindset. For instance, Matthew is portrayed as someone who has high functioning autism. That’s nowhere in the Bible, although I personally love the way his character is portrayed. They do very accurately show just how hated Matthew would have been as a tax collector working for the Romans. Here’s what does NOT change. The scenes of Jesus performing miracles, teaching a crowd or His disciples, or having a divine appointment remain true to the Bible stories we read in the New Testament. The Gospel does NOT change.
The storytelling is beautiful. I’m talking about all the way around… The soundtrack, the cinematography, the script, the scene transitions, the theme of the opening credits, the acting, the way everything flows and weaves together so perfectly–It’s beautiful. In every episode, I have either gotten goosebumps or cried… Or both.
The human characters we get to know in The Chosen are just that… So human. So fallen. So relatable. So ‘Oh ye of little faith’. In reading scripture with Peter, he’s always been portrayed as arrogant, hasty, and hot-tempered. Well, in The Chosen, he most definitely is portrayed that way. I could say a lot more about how well written almost every character is–Nicodemus, Matthew, Mary the mother of Jesus, Mary Magdalene–But I don’t want to give away spoilers.
If you’re struggling to get on board with The Chosen because it takes liberties with certain pieces of dialogue and the way characters are portrayed, please know I am not trying to twist your arm, nor am I saying this show should in any way be a replacement for studying God’s Word intently. Can shows as well intended as The Chosen become an idol? Absolutely. Am I saying The Chosen is perfect as only Christ is perfect? No. But I do believe this show points to the One and Only perfect, spotless Lamb. I do believe Dallas Jenkins seeks to bring Him glory, as I seek to bring Him glory through my own writing. Dallas Jenkins has given certain interviews you can find online where he addresses some of the concerns others might have about this show.
Just to reiterate the above paragraph, I LOVE The Chosen! It is one of my all time favorite shows (and that’s not an exaggeration). I highly, highly recommend it!! It points to Christ, but at the same time, it is also a source of entertainment. I pray for those who watch it. For those who are lost, I pray it opens their eyes to who Jesus is–perfect, sinless, the Word of God, the Son of God. For those who are already children of God, I pray this show is not a replacement for pursuing a real, growing, thriving relationship with God through His Word and through prayer. I pray this show does NOT provide us with a spiritual, emotional high that will fade. I pray this show will inspire others to open God’s Word, to study it, to savor each story, each verse, to be transformed. I pray that as the opening credits so wonderfully depicts, we will become fishers of men. As we grow in Christ, may we point others to the hope only found in Him, seeking to bring Him glory in all that we do, for we are called to be holy. We are called to be different.
And as Jonathan Roumie, the actor who plays Jesus, says in season 1… “Get used to different.”

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