Writers Relate Post #5
The Master Author
When I was in 3rd grade, I began writing. I kept a diary. I wrote poetry. I wrote lyrics and would call one of my best friend’s from my home phone and sing my songs to her—Looking at you, Des! For some reason, Des decided to put up with me and my poorly composed songs. But I can look back at all my notebooks, most of which I have saved, and cringe and smile at the same time. Today, I still feel the most solace with a pen in my hand. The very art of writing words on a page is like oxygen to the swirling thoughts in my brain. If I have a burden, it’s almost as though writing it down somehow lessens the weight. It’s like the paper is my friend, willing to share some of the weight, and, often, provide me with more understanding. Writing is the same for me as putting together a puzzle and having that ‘Aha!’ moment. A moment of connection. A moment of clarity. Writing for me is a love that burns like coals. I don’t always like the writing process. It doesn’t always provide me with happiness. But I’ll always love writing, and I think writing will always be a part of me.
A few years ago, the Lord placed it on my heart to write a story. And I did. I followed that calling and am now following the calling to get published. He, out of His kindness, allowed me to create an entire world with flawed characters. He handed me the pen and said, “Write!” He did not, however, hand me the pen that writes my own story. Yet silly me has so often tried to take that pen that only sovereign hands can touch and write pieces of my life the way I hope my story will be told. I have certain hopes, certain ambitions, certain dreams that my heart longs to unfold in a particular way. But while I am an author, my books are always going to be fraught with mistakes. Even if my books one day sit on a shelf, there’s most likely going to be a typo or two or more that make the final cut.
Not so with God’s story. Not so with the Master Author. Our emotions can lead us to believe, to truly believe, that the story we have in mind is perfect. A lot of times, our own story for ourselves involve an easy journey, always filled with laughter, little to no conflict, and triumph in every endeavor.
Not so with God’s story. He promises His strength through our weaknesses. He promises joy through sorrow. He promises endurance through trials. He promises mercy in our failures and discipline to overcome struggles. He promises He is enough even if certain desires we have are never fulfilled. But He by no means promises easy.
In truth, as writers, we wouldn’t write a story so full of fluff there is no plot—no goal to be achieved, no mystery to be solved, no mountain to climb, no enemy to overcome. We wouldn’t write a story with characters who cruise through life and fall flat because of it. That’s not real. That’s not truth. So why do we want that for ourselves in the here and now?
When God writes our stories, He knows every scene beforehand. He knows what is best to not only move our stories forward but to move us closer to Him. We can trust Him with the pen. He won’t make a mistake. So, dear friend, pick up a pen and write in your journal. Write a poem or a story or write out your burdens. Write a prayer. But then put that pen away and be determined to live out God’s story, however He writes it. Because when you reach the final chapter, you’ll be able to see just how worth it it was to leave your story in God’s hands…
Because… it was never our story to begin with. It always was, and forever will be, His.
“…fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross…” Hebrews 12:2
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