Jessica Christine Musgrove

Author. Singer. Actress.
My King is a dragon-slayer.

Tag: blog

  • Sustenance Given By the Holy Spirit

    I just had an epiphany–a God-given one, that is. When I was younger, a dear Bible teacher (incredibly solid and rooted in Christ!) gave my class an analogy about sanctification. Picture two dogs fighting each other. They are owned by the same owner. Before the dog fight, the owner decides to feed one but not…

  • Giving Careful Thought

    I can get so overwhelmed so quickly. This world and my flesh constantly screams, “Go, go, go! Do more! Be more!” We live in a world that believes we are supermen and superwomen, and it’s just not true. Apart from God, I am weak. Because I have this physical body, I get tired and cranky.…

  • A Season of Waiting for the Lord

    Okay. I know I’m not the only one who just loves being in a season of waiting. …Can you sense the sarcasm in this statement? Waiting for anything involves patience, and patience is hard. But if there is one thing I am learning in the waiting, it’s that waiting on the Lord is never a…

  • Writers Relate Post # 3

    Reading as Readers, Not as Writers A few weeks ago, I realized something about myself. Ever since I started writing and editing my novel and also joined two different critique groups, my reading has been stifled. Why? Because I never allow myself to read as a reader. Every time I pick up a book, I…

  • I Am Not Enough, But God…

    I am not enough. That’s not a feel-good truth, But it’s Truth nonetheless. Truth I need to hear. Truth I must acknowledge. Truth I have experienced. I am not enough. The world tries to tell me I am. It tells me I’m beautifully imperfect, But I know all too well… There’s nothing beautiful about the…

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