Tag: christianauthor
Battling Heavy Emotions as a Christian Author
It is often said that writers have tortured souls. I believe this is somewhat true. Here are two reasons why: As both a writer and an actress, it is my job to not only try to understand people but to experience the pleasures and the pains that they have experienced. What do I mean by…
Writers Relate Post #4
Finding Inspiration from God’s Grand Creation: Cave Exploring, Aquarium Adventuring, Theatre Immersing, and Zipline Soaring! The sun was finally shining, its rays extending warm greetings after two weeks of rain. I packed my small suitcase, each breath drawing me closer to the excitement and relief of escape from the mundane. Like Belle in Beauty and…
I Am Not Enough, But God…
I am not enough. That’s not a feel-good truth, But it’s Truth nonetheless. Truth I need to hear. Truth I must acknowledge. Truth I have experienced. I am not enough. The world tries to tell me I am. It tells me I’m beautifully imperfect, But I know all too well… There’s nothing beautiful about the…
Chip and the Book of Rose Leaves By Alexandria Miracola
If you have a child, and if you are a child at heart, this children’s book is for you. If you thirst for adventure, this book is for you. If you love fantastical illustrations, this book is for you. If you desire a pure, clean story, this book is most definitely for you AND your…