Jessica Christine Musgrove

Author. Singer. Actress.
My King is a dragon-slayer.

Tag: Fantasy

  • Writers Relate Post #4

    Finding Inspiration from God’s Grand Creation: Cave Exploring, Aquarium Adventuring, Theatre Immersing, and Zipline Soaring! The sun was finally shining, its rays extending warm greetings after two weeks of rain. I packed my small suitcase, each breath drawing me closer to the excitement and relief of escape from the mundane. Like Belle in Beauty and…

  • Chip and the Book of Rose Leaves By Alexandria Miracola

    If you have a child, and if you are a child at heart, this children’s book is for you. If you thirst for adventure, this book is for you. If you love fantastical illustrations, this book is for you. If you desire a pure, clean story, this book is most definitely for you AND your…

  • Writers Relate Post # 2

    Story Ideas I’d really like to know… If you’re a writer, how do story ideas come to you? Is it logical? Do you sit there and think, “Okay, I want this story to be about a boy named Peter who never grows up because he lives in a realm called Neverland with fairies and pirates…

  • Writers Relate Post #1

    The Creative Writer Versus…Dun, dun, DUN! …the Editor I think every writer, published or unpublished, can relate to the battle of the creator inside versus the editor inside. Am I right? When I first started writing my first novel, Evergreen and the Silver Tree, I have to be honest, the monster that is The Editor…

  • A Letter to Both of My Writer’s Groups

    Fun fact. I am part of two writer’s groups. One is all boys, except for me, and one is all girls. And I love them both! Each group has become dear friends, encouragers, motivators, and challengers, in my writing and in my life. I can’t imagine my life without these friends. As a writer, it…

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