Jessica Christine Musgrove

Author. Singer. Actress.
My King is a dragon-slayer.

Tag: motivation

  • Writers Relate Post #4

    Finding Inspiration from God’s Grand Creation: Cave Exploring, Aquarium Adventuring, Theatre Immersing, and Zipline Soaring! The sun was finally shining, its rays extending warm greetings after two weeks of rain. I packed my small suitcase, each breath drawing me closer to the excitement and relief of escape from the mundane. Like Belle in Beauty and…

  • Writers Relate Post # 2

    Story Ideas I’d really like to know… If you’re a writer, how do story ideas come to you? Is it logical? Do you sit there and think, “Okay, I want this story to be about a boy named Peter who never grows up because he lives in a realm called Neverland with fairies and pirates…

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