Jessica Christine Musgrove

Author. Singer. Actress.
My King is a dragon-slayer.

Tag: truth

  • Looking Up Instead of Looking Forward

    I love this quote from The Chosen Season 2 Episode 3. But…it’s also convicting. About a week ago, I wrote a blog titled “Consider It All Joy…”, which stems from the scripture in James 1:2-4. In the blog, I mention the hope and the joy that comes from knowing that endurance during a trial will…

  • What Did I Expect?

    I expected my first day of kindergarten to be the best day ever. Rather than clinging to my parents’ legs, I ran into the classroom and waved goodbye, not even looking behind me as they left. My first day of kindergarten, I was sent home with a frowny face because I wouldn’t join the line-up…

  • Battling Heavy Emotions as a Christian Author

    It is often said that writers have tortured souls. I believe this is somewhat true. Here are two reasons why: As both a writer and an actress, it is my job to not only try to understand people but to experience the pleasures and the pains that they have experienced. What do I mean by…

  • Writers Relate Post #4

    Finding Inspiration from God’s Grand Creation: Cave Exploring, Aquarium Adventuring, Theatre Immersing, and Zipline Soaring! The sun was finally shining, its rays extending warm greetings after two weeks of rain. I packed my small suitcase, each breath drawing me closer to the excitement and relief of escape from the mundane. Like Belle in Beauty and…

  • I Am Not Enough, But God…

    I am not enough. That’s not a feel-good truth, But it’s Truth nonetheless. Truth I need to hear. Truth I must acknowledge. Truth I have experienced. I am not enough. The world tries to tell me I am. It tells me I’m beautifully imperfect, But I know all too well… There’s nothing beautiful about the…

  • Cancel Culture Versus God, Our Judge, Forgiver, Redeemer, and Our Hope

    Alright, friends. Buckle up. This one’s a long one. As one reads my posts, I believe one would consider most of them to be positive. Joy-filled. While this post is also positive and joy-filled, it deals with a hard truth that is offensive to many. As a sinner saved by grace and grace alone, I…

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